The Assault on Tony's
Book Genre
Photograph Title
No title listed (after 'Bar, Gallup, New Mexico' 1955)
To paraphrase the Belgian Surrealist painter, René Magritte; Ceci n'est pas un Robert Frank. This is not a photograph by Robert Frank, and most of those familiar with Frank's work will know that, but not without first experiencing a moment of deja vu. This image (credited not to an individual but 'courtesy of Photonica'-a photo agency) is clearly derivative of Franks influential vision, and specifically reminiscent of several photographs from 'The Americans'. Personally, my bet is on 'Bar, Gallup, New Mexico'. The setting, the tilt, the way the image is contained by its edges, and the heightening of tension by obscuring detail all find their source in the 26th picture in Franks book. A final detail worth noting: the publisher of this book is Grove Press; the same house that, 37 years earlier, published 'The Americans'. KB To view Robert Frank's original image, 'Bar, Gallup, New Mexico 1955, try clicking here.
Photo Genre
“The Assault on Tony's,” Covering Photography, accessed March 18, 2025,